

Love it or hate it, Python can be very powerful for a wide variety of tasks. From simple scripting to full-blown complex programming, Python's got you covered.

While I started off with Python as a first language, I wouldn't recommend it as a first for anyone else. There are key concepts that Python gets to...masquerade from you. However, we're not here to trash-talk Python's shortcomings; that's left as an exercise for the reader at their own discretion and preference. We are here to cover some ground to make Python even more friendlier to the absolute beginner


  • This entry assumes some working knowledge with Python. You're not expected to know how to program an entire server application to be able to follow along, but rather be familiar with the basics; variables, functions, and so on
  • Python version: 3.12.9 (at the time of writing)

What you need

  • A computer, obv; this isn't the 1800s, hey
  • Python interpreter
  • Text editor

What we'll cover